We understand the severity and the risk involved with the Coronavirus. As a public entity we want to inform you that we are taking all necessary precautions to ensure that we reduce your risk to exposure while in attendance at our facility.
We have assembled a Coronavirus Preparedness Team and we are monitoring all communications distributed by the Center For Disease Control and the National Funeral Directors Association as well as our local and state health agencies in regard to all information on the Coronavirus (Covid-19).
To ensure that your risk is minimized while attending an event at our facility we have put the following Emergency Plan into place:
1. Our staff will make environmental cleaning procedures top priority at our facilities. Every 4 hours all door handles, knobs, faucets, toilets, water fountains, as well as any surfaces that come into human contact will be diligently cleaned with an antibacterial agent.
2. Hot beverage service to the public will be suspended during this time to limit exposure. Individual water bottles will be available by request (for as long as water bottle are available to us).
3. personal space zone (distance of 6 ft.) will be created between visitors and family members of the deceased to keep from spreading of the virus by personal contact.
4. As per recommendation of the CDC public events need to be kept to a maximum of 10 people or less. Our directing staff will present several options to your family in regard to keeping you safe and still allowing you to have some type of a service. These are unprecedented times so we promise to be reasonable and flexible.
5. Posters created by the Center for Disease Control with information on the virus and how to protect yourself from contracting it will be posted throughout our facility.
6. Hand sanitizer and Kleenex will be available.
7. Systems will be put into place to give the general public an opportunity to come, honor, and pay their respects in a less crowded environment.
8. Only with the permission of next of kin of the deceased, systems will be put into place to make available Celebration of Life events electronically (on a delayed schedule) over the internet.
Honoring and remembering a life are what we are all about. Public health and safety are first and foremost in our minds during this time. We have devised this emergency plan for your protection, but we advise that if you have any concerns or apprehension about attending our facility, please stay safe at home.